04 Feb

Member Requirements (Mandatory)Members must accomplish the following to be considered in good standing and receive a year end award 

  • Members are required to attend at least 8 meetings to be in good standing.  If you are going to miss a meeting for whatever reason, please contact Jessica Adamson or Heather Severns, and let them know so you will be excused.  Missing three meetings without a valid excuse may result in termination of membership
  • Community Services project participation
  • Pay dues or participate in the fundraisers
  • Participating in giving a report to the club.  This can be done in person at meetings or recorded and posted on the Facebook page.  Reports must be a minimum of 1 minute long (max 4 minutes), with pictures, examples or a demonstration.  When giving reports members should state their name, title of report and one learning objective and then give their report.
  • Example:  My name is Jessica Adamson, I am giving a report on Hoof Cleaning and by the end of this talk you should know how to properly clean your horses hoofs.  I would give my report or demonstration, making sure to show how and why.  
  • Sign up and participate in two clean up nights after meetings with their group (no exceptions).
  • Uphold the bylaws, constitution, and 4-H rules and act accordingly
  • No use of drugs or alcohol.
  • Refrain from foul language, bullying or abuse of others


Parent Expectations (Mandatory) 

  • You will oversee your child or children for each 4-H event. This includes behavior before, during and after events, bathroom breaks, etc.  If your child acts up, you will oversee correcting them.  Any damages done to the church or grounds will be repaired by parent or charges will be incurred to fix church or grounds will be paid by parent of the member that is responsible for damages.
  • At meetings be present, refrain from use of phones unless its to record club information.  Many dates and discussion go on that is often missed.
  • Ensure one parent or guardian is with child for entire activity.  This year parents will be in charge of members behavior, participation and bathroom breaks.
  • Participate in enrollment, fundraisers, community service as needed.
  • Each parent will be in-charge of one clean-up night at a meeting.  You will direct the assigned members to clean the church from the task lists. 
  • Encourage your child to participate actively at meetings, work session, project books, reports etc.  Remember you get out of 4-H what you put in.
  • Take time to explore the websites below, make sure that you understand information about your 4-H project. 
  • Ask questions!  We are here to help you, no question is to small, so make sure to ask your advisor questions.


 Make sure to connect with your advisor for any project related questions.  They are your mentor, have tons of experience, and are your ticket to having a better experience with your project.  At one meeting a month we will have small group sessions, make sure to attend these because your advisor will work with you, teaching you all about your project. 

ACTION: Make sure to get to know you advisor and that you member feels comfortable with their advisor.  Make sure that you get them to small groups and encourage them to participate.  We expect members to participate wholeheartedly in their chosen projects.  There are many great opportunities for judging, work session, skill-a-thons, shows and more. While your member can choose to participate in shows or work sessions as these are not required, we encourage you to help your kiddo experience 4-H to the fullest.  We know this will take patients and extra effort on your part to push them to learn by action, but they will have a richer experience, learn more, and appreciate what they know.    Make sure check out the OSU website to access judging, show and work session opportunities. 

Care of Projects:  As a Dusty Rider, we expect members to take excellent care of their projects both at home and at 4-H functions.  Proper feeding, watering, medical care, and handling is expected from all members and their family.  Appropriate care and handling of projects at work sessions and shows, ensuring your animal has adequate shelter, food, water and bedding is mandatory.  Abuse, inappropriate handling, and or neglect of the animals will not be tolerated. 

If this is reported or noticed by an advisor, the member and parents or guardians will be given a verbal warning.  If the situation is not corrected the Head Advisor, and possibly the extension office will step in and speak to the member and family, this may result in the member being asked to leave the event and possibly the club. Drugging of animals for performance purposes is strictly prohibited and will result in loss of membership in the club.

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