29 Jan

Hello Newbie!  Welcome and we were glad to see you at our meeting. Congrats, you have just joined what we think is an amazing, member centered, family oriented club.  I know what you are thinking as you looked around at the other parents with their knowing smiles and  nodding of heads...whoa lady this is a lot of information to process and what the heck are you talking about.  Don't get nervous you will be nodding your heads and smiling soon enough.  Here are some key tips to understanding 4-H and getting you well on your way to a successful 4-H year.

1) Remember we have two meetings a month starting in February and running through August.  Your member has to make at least 8 meetings to be eligible for their year end award.  However, the more meetings they make the more points they earn.  The member with the most points at the end of the year is enrolled in a drawing for $100 gift card!

2) Enroll with it!  I tried to be clever there, but the smartest thing you can do is enroll your members in 4-H by April 1, 2023.  Go online to https://v2.4honline.com/ and enroll right now.  You will be asked to choose your projects, if you have questions on what you should take or will be taking call an advisor immediately and we will help you make your choice for this year. Key tip: If you are new or unclear on what you want to take in 2023...DO NOT PRESS SUBMIT UNTIL YOU HAVE SPOKEN TO AN ADVISOR. 

3) Connect with your project Advisor!  Each member will be connected with an advisor that specializes in their project.  This is your guide through the 4-H year and to achieving success with your chosen project.  Don't ever feel weird about asking questions or for help.  You will meet once a month in small group sessions with your advisor to learn all about your project and get the lastest information.  Don't miss small group, this is where you learn to be the successful with your porject. 

Check out who is your leader is for 2023:
- Lori Sharrock - Horse Lead

- Amber Sharrock - Rabbit, Poultry, Horse (help) and Honeybee

- Heather Severns - Organizational, Special Interest Projects (Lead)

- Jessica Adamson - Head Advisor and Clover Bud/Sprout Advisor

- Brittany  - Clover Bud and Clover Sprout Program Lead

4) Participate and encourage your members to participate!  The 4-H experience is unique in that it offers teambuilding and friendship, but its really up to the member to achieve their own success through hard work and diligence.   You both will need to pay attention at meetings to hear the latest and greatest information on upcoming events, fundraising, community service, fair and more.  Ask questions at meetings, don't be shy. Join work sessions (so much hands on learning).  Volunteer for things.  Encourage your member to sit with other members and participate in activities.  

5) Stay in the Know... go ahead and poke around!  Make sure to listen at meetings, and ask questions about upcoming events.  To access the latest information for your members chosen projects check out their species and special interest links

6) We need you, and Team work makes the dream work!  Do you have a talent or a knack for doing certain jobs?  Do you know how to sew?  Do you love to bake?  Do you have a passion for helping?  Can you wrangle donations for the club?   We need your help and the best way to learn about 4-H is to pitch in.  If you have  a heart to volunteer or donate, please don't hesitate to reach out to Jessica Adamson, Head Advisor.  

We want you to know that we are excited you and your family has joined us. We appreciate you choosing our club and 4-H, and we know you will and your member will make wonderful lasting memories. 

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