Class JA – Meat Poultry (eligible for sale at action) Broiler chickens, ducks, and turkeys intended for the table are included in this class. All broiler chickens, ducks and turkeys must originate from the Hartford Fair meat chicken/duck/turkey pool to be eligible for showing and selling.
Class JB - Poultry Breeding/Egg Layers (not for sale at auction) Chickens and ducks kept for egg production or for breeding stock are included. Male and female birds are eligible for showing. Birds in this class are generally purchased from a hatchery or farm store and are not necessarily purebred. Class
JC – Fancy Poultry (not for sale at auction) Purebred Bantam and Large Fowl chickens, purebred Bantam and large ducks, and turkeys bred to the APA or ABA Standard for show are included in this class. People breeding and raising this type of poultry are considered fanciers, and they participate in a tradition of breeding, raising and showing purebred poultry, referred to as the poultry fancy. You must enter your project in the correct class in order to get the recognition you deserve for your hard work. Also you must have your birds banded or registered at the appropriate banding session at the Hartford Fairground poultry barn to be eligible for showing at the fair as follows: • Fancy, breeding/egg layers, and turkeys, first Saturday in May from 10:00 – 2:00. • All other meat poultry, second Saturday in July from 10:00 – 2:00. • If you can't attend the appropriate banding, make arrangements with someone to bring your project birds for the appropriate banding session for your project. Contact the Sr. Fair Board prior to the deadline if arrangements can’t be made to bring the birds to the fairgrounds. Helpful things to know: • If you bought your birds from a feed mill or hatchery, they should be entered as breeding/egg laying or meat poultry. • If you bought your birds from a breeder who produces and shows birds bred to the Standard, then you enter in the fancy class. • All sale birds must meet weight and quality standards – no malnourished or injured birds will be sold. • Exhibitors are responsible for all feeding, watering, and pen cleaning while at the fair. Be sure to make arrangements with your fellow exhibitors to cover any times you may not be available to monitor your birds. • The Hartford Fair Premium Book from last year's fair is the best source for information about the fair until the new book is released. • You should always know the breed and purpose of the stock you are raising, and participate in the corresponding 4-H project through your club. If you have questions about the breed or class you need to enter, ask your advisor, or call John deSaavedra (740) 927-0548