17 Jun

Your birds are representing you, your hobby, and 4-H while they are at the fair. It is important to take extra care of them while they are on display. To be sure that they are presentable at all times, consider keeping the following list of things available. Keep these supplies in the common area near the bulletin board in the front of the barn behind the information desk. Mark your supplies with your name so you can find them later. Items piled in or at the ends of aisles will be moved. 


• Pine shaving for litter. No straw or cedar. 

• Container to carry soiled litter. 

• Gloves of any kind. 

• Watering can or jug. 

• Extra feed appropriate for your birds. 

• Grooming supplies in case your birds need attention. 

• Two one-gallon or half-gallon plastic jugs if none are available at the barn on the day of coop-in.

 Once the coops have been selected, put a 2-inch layer of white pine shavings in the bottom of the coop. Then tie a cutout jug in opposite front corners of the coop for feed and water. Do not use chick feeders or waterers, or any other kind of cup of crock, as they will be knocked over or soiled immediately. Be prepared to see that your birds are provided with clean water at all times, and that they have the appropriate feed. Also be prepared to check the litter 2-3 times a day. Using gloves or small scoop, remove manure and wet spots. All litter and manure must be taken to the manure pit behind the hog barn. This will help keep everyone, including your parents, advisors, the public, and especially your birds happy all week. Remember, it is your responsibility to keep the very best care of your project birds while on display. If there is a time when you cannot check your project, make arrangements for someone else to do so. It is also important that you are willing to be there when someone else needs help.

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