18 Feb

Horse member of 2024 

Hello Everyone! 

Alot is going on in the horse world and I want you all to beware of what's going on now so you can gallop on over and get things done. 

Trot on over to check out the horse website provided by the OSU extension office: Horse Information & Resources | Licking (osu.edu) 

April Horse Clinic

The LCHC has a horse clinic every year for you! The classes are filling up fast! Fill out your form and send it in with money now! Thats right NOW! 

Click here for the form you will need to enter the clinic: Licking County 4-H Horse Spring Clinic 2024.pdf (osu.edu) 

Royalty Contest

Next's, if anyone wants to try out for Royalty for the horse division that needs to be filled out now also! Check OSU website for form or I will bring to meeting, Monday!  2024 HORSE Royalty Application WITH PATTERNS - Fillable PDF.pdf (osu.edu) 


Be working of Equistep program. If you don't do this, you don't have a project for this year. Need help ask one of the Advisors! Click here for Equistep information: https://cfaesosu.catalog.instructure.com/courses/equistep-2024


Dues have to be paid by April 1st. I will be working on books at the next meeting and letting you all know what's new with state fair horse division! 

If you have any question at all please see Amber or Lori

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